M48x Series MCUs(ARM Cortex M4 ) > Nuvoton



(주)피코아이앤시는 항상 최고를 추구합니다.

NUVOTON은 Winbond Electronic 으로부터 LOGIC 비지니스 그룹의 기업분할로 2008년 7월 설립이 되어 독자사업을 하고 있으며, 2010년 9월에 대만의 IPO의 상장업체가 되었습니다. Nuvoton Technology 의 주력 사업분야는 LOGIC IC의 연구 개발 및 판매이며, 음성 IC / 마이크로컨트롤러 / 컴퓨터 / 클라우드 관련 어플리케이션 IC 제품은 시장 점유율에서 선두를 달리고 있습니다. Nuvoton 은 특별한 자체 특화 프로세스를 자랑하는 6인치 wafer 공장을 보유하고 있으며, 이 Wafer 공장에서는 자체제작 IC 상품의 생산과 외주 주문 생산용 파운드리 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

(주)피코아이앤시는 NUVOTON 대리점입니다.​

Microcontrollers M48x Series MCUs(ARM Cortex M4 )

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 819회 작성일 24-02-21 10:08



Market Evolution

Due to the rapid development in the artificial intelligence field in recent years, various industries have started introducing machine learning technology for application development. The machine learning interpretation field is mainly divided into four types of data input, including video, image, voice, and vibration, in which image recognition technology is often used in fields such as license plate recognition and water meter fee identification, etc. 

Traditional water consumes manpower for reading the meters

The calculation of the fees with traditional water meters requires the use of large numbers of manpower to read the meters for water usage, especially in remote areas where maintenance is even more difficult, and water companies need to invest significant amounts of personnel costs for this. With the emerging of IoT and machine learning technologies, the fee information on the water meter is first identified and then transmitted backstage through wireless networks to reduce the consumption of personnel costs. This has become an emerging practice. However, replacing water meters comprehensively takes a very long time, not to mention the required costs; therefore, alternative solutions were developed. 

Numeric character recognition technology using wireless camera modules and machine learning

In order to achieve the goal described above, customers are provided with an option to implement machine learning recognition technology quickly and easily. Nuvoton released smart numeric character recognition solutions based on the NuMicro M48xxGCAE series. Install CMOS camera modules on existing traditional water meters to regularly take photos of the water meter fees, use image recognition technology to identify the numbers, and transmit the water fee information using wireless modules.

NuMicro M48xxGCAE series provides rich peripheral interfaces, including 1 CMOS camera interface, 1 full-speed USB, 3 sets of CAN buses, 8 UARTs, 1 ISO7816/UART, 3 I2C, 3 SPI/I2S, 2QSPI, 1 I2S, 1 EBI, 24-channel PWM, 2 12-bit 5MSPS ADC with up to 16 channels, 1 12-bit 1MSPS DAC and 2 analog comparators. 

The following figure is the architectural diagram for a smart numeric character recognition water meter; Nuvoton not only provides the M48xxGCAE series development platform, but it also provides sample codes for numeric character recognition technology based on machine learning theory, able to reduce the difficulty for development and significantly save customers large amounts of development time.

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